Hi everyone! In today’s blog I would like to tell you about some habits, that will change your life in a healthier way. The examples I will show you, are the simplest ways to make you feel better with your organism and well-being
1.Drink water
How much water you need depends on your body and lifestyle, but the average person should drink from 1,5 liter to 2 litres per day. Water is the most important thing in humans organism, it transports nutrients and cleanses toxins. It also helps to control your weight, prevents fatigue and much more.
2.Add short physical activity
Just a 30-minute walk or 20-minute workout is enough. It doesn’t have to be exhausted, just move your body for at least few minutes everyday.
3.Sleep enough hours
You should sleep 7-9 hours per day. It’s important for your body to sleep enough because during sleep your organism regenerates just so you could have energy to do usual things. Not sleeping enough may cause a lot of diseases which are not needed in our lifes.
4.Limit your screen time
Spending too much time in front of a screen may give you for example problems with your eyes or bad posture. It can also destroy your sanity or social relations. Electrical devices give us a lot of stress, trouble with concentrating and make relationships with our friends or family much worse.
5.Eat slower
Eating slower simply facilitates digestion and allows you to feel full faster.
These are just a few interesting ways to improve your health. Follow these tips and stay healthy!