Erasmus+ / KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training „The Power of AR and VR: Igniting Passion for Learning Through Innovative Technologies” 2024-1-PL01- KA220-VET-000243150
Our partners are institutions and schools. Each one brings something new. The collaboration will be wonderful.
As part of our project, collaboration with various partners – both educational institutions and schools – forms the foundation of success. Each of these organizations brings unique experience, knowledge, and perspective, making our cooperation exceptional and full of growth opportunities.
Mutual enrichment of experiences
Each partner has different resources, both human and technological. As a result, we can draw on a wide range of teaching methods, innovative tools, and resources that complement each other. Working together will allow us to create new, creative educational solutions that will meet the needs of both younger and older students.
New perspectives and teaching methods
The diversity of the institutions and schools involved in the project ensures a broad range of approaches to education. Each partner has unique experiences in working with students and integrating new technologies such as AR, VR, and artificial intelligence. This allows us to combine proven teaching methods with innovative solutions, enabling us to create the most effective and engaging educational materials.
Exchange of knowledge and resources
Through cooperation with various schools and institutions, we can share best practices and solutions that have proven successful in different educational settings. This enables us to quickly adapt proven methods to new contexts and increases the efficiency of the entire project. Partners can also share educational materials that they have successfully implemented, accelerating the development of the project.
Shared goals and values
Our cooperation is based on common values such as innovation, equal access to modern technologies, and environmental responsibility. Partners working on the project share the same objectives, making the project cohesive and integrated. Each partner also aims to improve the quality of education by introducing technologies that will have a long-term impact on students.
Building international relationships
Through collaboration with international schools and institutions, we have the opportunity to learn about different educational systems, approaches to teaching, and methods of integrating new technologies into the learning process. These experiences, joint projects, and the exchange of ideas on an international level become invaluable for the professional development of both teachers and students.
The cooperation with these partners will have a huge impact on the quality of our project implementation. Thanks to their contributions, innovative approaches, and willingness to share experiences, we can be confident that the collaboration will run smoothly and effectively. Together, we will create a project that has the potential to transform how students learn by using new technologies like AR, VR, and AI.
Our partners
Srednja škola Ban Josip Jelačić CROATIA
2 EK Peiraia GREECE
Instituto Piaget – Cooperativa para Desenvolvimento Humano Integral e Ecológico, CRL PORTUGAL
ZS NR 1 im. Hnenryka Sienkiewicza w Kołobrzegu, Poland
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and ANPCDEFP. Neither the European Union nor ANPCDEFP can be held responsible for them.
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